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When does ProFecund produce results?

ProFecund and ProFecund B increase the probability of having the desired baby.

When does ProFecund produce results?

For most women, fertility and conception pose no problem. Fortunately, the others can now use ProFecund, a product designed to balance their endocrine system and stimulate their fertility.

How does ProFecund for women work?

Most cases of female infertility are caused by ovulation problems. Without ovulation, there is no egg that can be fertilized. The signs of infertility include the absence or irregularity of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation problems are often caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a problem of hormonal imbalance. This is the most common cause of female infertility.

Treatment with ProFecund will give positive results in the following cases of female infertility:

  • that caused by menstrual cycle disorders and irregular ovulation
  • that caused by the irregular menstrual cycle.

ProFecund stimulates female fertility and supports the development of a healthy pregnancy through a triple action:

  • the regulation of the menstrual cycle and ovulation
  • the improvement of desire and the quality of the intimate relationship
  • • the supply of the amount of folic acid needed during the first trimester of pregnancy.

How does ProFecund B for men work?

Commonly, couples think that fertility is the woman's responsibility, which is absolutely false. Although it is still a taboo subject, difficult to accept, statistics show that, in cases of couple infertility, the number of men with fertility problems equals the number of women. About 40% of infertility cases are due to man affections and dysfunctions. Another 20% is caused by both partners, seen as a couple. Infertility must always be regarded as a couple's problem, not as a problem of only one partner.

The solution to greatly increase your chances of success when you've decided you want a baby is now at your fingertips: ProFecund B.

Profecund B is aimed at men who have infertility problems or who require a balanced supply of nutrients to support spermatogenesis.