A checklist for you
So, you decided you want to have a baby. We congratulate you and we hope you succeed as soon as possible. But do you know what you have to do now? Here is a short list to check.
Prepare your body
Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking. If you can’t do it, cut back on smoking as much as you can. Do not consume alcohol in excess.
Let your doctor know
Go to your gynaecologist and inform them that you want to get pregnant. It is not enough to visit them, they can’t know your intentions.
Ask for a gynaecological check-up. Your doctor will ask you to undergo a set of tests to see if your body is ready for pregnancy. The most commonly used tests are listed at the end of this chapter.
Before the end of the visit, ask them if you are among the people at risk of thrombophilia.
Take vitamins
To support your body and to make sure the foetus develops properly, include vitamins in your daily diet. Look for a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in optimum concentrations for the mother and the foetus alike.
Make love
Talk to your partner about your desire to have a baby and have regular, unprotected sex with him.
Use ProFecund
Even if you do not have fertility problems, take ProFecund for the folic acid in its composition and the extra sexual drive it will give you.
Keep your optimism
Keep a positive mindset until you obtain the desired result!
What tests should you undergo
The list of tests that are most frequently requested by doctors to assess your health before pregnancy will include:
- dental examination
- thyroid examination
- breast examination, particularly if you are over 35 years old
- skin examination
- blood tests: blood sugar, blood type and Rh factor, HCV, HBS, blood count, blood creatinine, platelets and serum iron, Ag HBS, Chlamydia, Herpes simplex, Listeria monocitogenes, RBW (VDRL), rubella, group B streptococcus, HIV test, thrombophilia, toxoplasmosis and blood urea
- vaginal secretion, urine test and urine culture
- cervix culture and pap smear